Saturday, September 26, 2009

Panic Away Review

Is there a panic attack solution?


Panic attacks were once dismissed as nerves or stress, but they're now recognized as a real medical condition. Although panic attacks can significantly affect your quality of life, treatment — including psychotherapy and relaxation techniques to help prevent or control panic attacks — is very effective.

-CNN Health

There is a kind of pain that is invisible and terrifying — panic attacks. In their most extreme form, people are so paralyzed with fear that for years they are unable even to leave their own homes. Psychologist David Barlow and Director of the Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders at Boston University says a number of factors, including heredity and stress can make a person vulnerable to panic attacks.

- ABC 20/20

Over the course of the last past 5 years, the increase of panic attacks has caused a frenzy among drug companies to saturate the market with their products. People are attempting to buy a miracle concoction or pill that will make their problems go away. They thing is most people who use these drugs on a regular basis begin to suffer from side effects, which are more then often described as being worst then the actual panic attack.

Remember Paxil? For those who don't know, Paxil was a drug introduced in 1993 to treat anxiety attacks.


Years later, here's what they're saying:

"Paxil withdrawal symptoms can cause serious injury to patients who wish to terminate their treatment because of other Paxil side effects or the inefficiency of this drug to treat their condition. Twenty percent of all Paxil users experience such serious Paxil side effects that they must terminate their treatment". -Defective Drugs

One of the most popular drugs on the market today is Xanax.


Check Out These Side Effects:

Severe reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue); confusion; decreased urination; fainting; hallucinations; loss of coordination; memory problems; menstrual changes; muscle twitching; new or worsening mental or mood problems (eg, depression, irritability, anxiety); overstimulation; red, swollen blistered, or peeling skin; seizures; severe dizziness; severe or persistent trouble sleeping; suicidal thoughts or actions; trouble speaking (eg, stammering, stuttering); yellowing of the eyes or skin.

Ok, so it might not happen to you. But are you willing to take that chance? Did I mention how expensive it is!

One thing is apparent, every expert agrees that panic attacks are a form of psychological problem. The attacks are generally triggered by something which is most of the time unknown. Imagine what you could do if you found out what those triggers were and get rid of them?

Panic Away is a revolutionary product that actually focuses on the true root of the problem. Drugs are not the answer now, and never will be. The reason drug companies present their products as an ultimate solution is for the obvious reason. They want your money. And none of their products will ever cure your panic attacks, they don't even attempt to make those claims. So how long will you be on their products? 5 years? 10 years? Rest of your life? If you're a drug company you're definitely hoping for the last question.

Panic Away doesn't use drugs or anything that will harm your body. The Panic Away program actually helps you solve your problem. No patch work necessary. No temporary fixes. Spoken from a true user of the product.

These are some reviews from other users:

Choose not to live in fear, make a free choice today and realize you need to treat your problem at its true source. The best thing I love about this product, and I have already established that I am a real life user is its 8 week trial offer. They will let you use the entire product and in 8 weeks approximately 2 months, you can still turn around and return the product for the full purchase price. I didn't want to over run this blog with testimonials, but you can visit the site yourself if you're still not convinced.

Try It For 8 Weeks Free!: Panic Away

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